Dark Blood: shutting down.
Dizzyjay Posts: 100
Man, reality wasted no time rushing back after the holidays to smack us in the face. Outspark announced yesterday that their side-scroller action MMO Darkblood Online would be shutting down.
The MMO will be officially closing on January 15, with the premium shop having already closed down yesterday. For those that had made any purchases in the last few months, Outspark saw fit to reimburse players with varying amounts of SparkCash depending on when purchases where made. Players can expect compensation the same day DarkBlood shuts down. You can find the full breakdown on all of this here.
Outspark assured fans that the game would seek a new publisher and preserve player’s character information until new publisher arrangements could be made. What were your opinions on the game? Let us know below. edited by Dizzyjay on 1/4/2013
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Dark Blood: shutting down.
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