红叶 Administrator Posts: 3378
熊猫杯乒乓赛事商务赞助效能数据--1 1.微信群 熊猫杯组委会人员作为群主,并且可以配合熊猫杯系列赛事宣传的加拿大群及人数: 熊猫杯大本营486 熊猫杯大本营+330 乒乓球ITTF190 熊猫杯队长群181 高校杯队长群261 加拿大高校校友会会长扩大群256 籣蔺齿科乒乓球196 多伦多乒乒乓乓229 MAPLE PANDA29 组委会80 阳光文体中心104 ACE乒乓球417 四川大学加拿大校友会362 成都理工大学校友会63 加拿大成都同乡会500 加拿大成都同乡会+279 杨群快乐乒乓371
合计17个群,4304人 我们一般按照一周一轮的微信宣传,半年的宣传量: 4304X26=111926人/次
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红叶 Administrator Posts: 3378
一。加拿大熊猫杯乒乓球国际比赛(总负责:李德华,张磊) 创办及主办:MAPLE PANDA,川大校友会,成都同乡会 比赛成绩:详细比分可见: http://www.tournamentsoftware.com/sport/ 1.加拿大盛达熊猫杯乒乓球国际邀请赛 时间:2016年6月11-12日 团体赛事 地点:比赛现场:2436 Haines road ,Mississauga,,Ontario, L4Y 1Y6, Canada 32支队伍128位运动员参加,其中包括加拿大国家队,美国队,香港队,中国四川队等。多伦多总领事薛冰和国会议员陈圣源,原世界冠军陈龙灿,李惠芬参加了颁奖典礼。 比赛结果:2016 加拿大盛达“熊猫杯”乒乓球邀请赛比赛结果 A 组(专业组):冠军: HongKong。亚军: Team Canada。季军: 中国四川盖网队 第4名: Pan Am。B组(业余组):冠军: 安徽合肥之友,亚军: BMO Friends Team 1,季军: 陕西西北狼,第4名: Jefferson Star.C组(业余组):冠军: Casauls,亚军: 自贡火花,季军: 重庆之加,第4名: 四川大学.D组(业余组):冠军: 成都理工大学.亚军: 甘肃.季军: 重庆大学.第4名: 加拿大北方化工 2.2017 年”北约-盛达” 第二届国际熊猫杯乒乓球赛 比赛时间:2017年9月23日-24日 比赛场馆:加拿大泛美运动会主场馆:Pan am Center, 16 Main Street Unionville, Markham, Ontario, Canada.出席开幕式的有加拿大乒协CEO, 国际乒联北美联盟主席Tony kiesenhofor,万景市长Frank Scarpitti,市议员Amada Collucci, Joe Li。 参赛团队52个和250多个运动员参赛。今年的专业队有加拿大排名第一的王臻,加拿大国家队,Alex Bu,Jeremy Hazin.Joyce Xu等.并且有前中国国家队运动 候英超,李博超,孙剑飞以及天然北极NJCTTC美国队 。队伍来自不同社区,不同城市和国家.天然北极NJCTTC美国队 ,CCTTA,北药-盛达队,WE The North, TTCAN、Northpharm etc . 以及中国的同乡会如北京、四川、重庆、陕西、山西、江西、安徽、内蒙、成都、自贡等;来自大学校友会如McMaster、清华大学、复旦大学、四川大学、哈尔滨工程大学、重庆大学、成都理工大学、哈工大等。加拿大本地的大型企业代表队,WM Wealth, Sunlife, EN Saving, 58FD , UESTC, Polar Naturals. Northwest Wolf, Mississauga Grasshopper 和CRH Rocket 队等。 两天的比赛一共194场。比赛现场人山人海,1000到1500名啦啦队和观众云集潘安中心观看各路豪杰竞技激烈。冠军队:加拿大北方药业专业队,亚军队:CCTT, 季军队"Polar Naturals NJCTTC Team" ;业余组冠军 Markham TT Team 1, 亚军: 动力火车 CRH Rocket, 季军: 北方药业2队 、业余组冠军队有:成都、宜恩冷暖2队、 En Saving Inc Team 2、 复旦兰馨1队、安徽合肥之友和We The North等。
2018年加拿大熊猫杯乒乓球国际邀请赛 2018年9月8,9日两天在多伦多加华乒乓球俱乐部圆满结束。 参赛队伍达到了空前的85 支劲旅,其中大量中国、加拿大、美国、巴西、越南、韩国、中东和非洲等前国手、退役和现役选手、省市各俱乐部和社区代表队共595名运动员,经过2天312场大战,圆满落下帷幕。第一天现场观众约1500人,第二天现场观众2500人,最老的现场观众98岁, 最年轻的现场观众仅出生3个月。比赛精彩纷呈,赛事井然有序,成功书写了历史记录:为现有海外非商业化华人独立运作的最大乒乓球赛事。 赛事成绩: 1 Lansing Dental-1。。。。A组冠军 2 Captain's Catch 。。。。A组亚军 3 Top Spin。。。。A组季军 其它还有BCDEFH各组冠亚季军
4.2019 加拿大熊猫杯乒乓球国际邀请赛 2019年11月2,3日两天在Canada Panam Spoert Center圆满结束。 参赛队伍达到了空前的88 支成人劲旅,其中大量中国、加拿大、美国、巴西、越南、韩国、中东和非洲等前国手、退役和现役选手、省市各俱乐部和社区代表队共717名运动员。加拿大国球水平提高需要从青少年抓起,本次赛事也正式启动了第一届小熊猫大赛,有各俱乐部的12支队伍,104名青少年选手积极参赛。经过2天426场大战,圆满落下帷幕。第一天现场观众约2500人,第二天现场观众约3000人,最老的现场观众98岁, 最年轻的现场观众仅出生5个月。比赛精彩纷呈,赛事井然有序,成功书写了加拿大乒乓球赛事历史记录:为现有海外非商业化华人独立运作的最大乒乓球赛事。 比赛成绩: 1 Benemax。。.。。。。。A组冠军 2 Ace 1 。。。。。。。。A组亚军 3 宜恩冷暖A队。。。。。A组季军 其它还有BCDEFH各组冠亚季军
5.2020 熊猫杯大满贯 由于疫情影响中断,2021年8月-11月完成全程比赛。
二.加拿大熊猫杯大满贯乒乓球赛事(总负责:李德华) 加拿大乒乓球年终大满贯赛事举办的宗旨是在圣诞,新年,春节期间, 举办跨越三节的乒乓球大赛,从而丰富年终节日期间的假日活动类型。 年终大满贯一般在11月份开始比赛,在2月春节期间结束。 1. 2019年大满贯 2019年12月在MTTA俱乐部进行,共16位男子单打擂台角逐: 樊星获得冠军 2.2020年闽粤车行天天渔港熊猫杯大满贯 2020年9月1日开赛,至元旦新年结束。报名期间在7月10-8月10日,8月 15日为新闻发布及抽签分组会。参赛各族裔高手144名运动员。 *Youtube, pandacup.ca, 天下华人全程直播。 赛程一半时,由于COVID-19 疫情严重,暂停后在2021年缓解后的8月-11继续比赛,直至完成所有赛程。
三加拿大小熊猫乒乓球比赛(负责人:张磊,李德华) 从小培养加拿大乒乓球顶级选手,在加拿大教育系统普及乒乓球运动。 1. 2019 加拿大小熊猫乒乓球比赛 比赛时间为2019年11月2,3日两天在Canada Panam Spoert Center。共计12个队伍,108位小朋友参加了比赛。 比赛成绩为:Division A: 1. Elite TTC Junior (A)...Champion 2. Elite TTC Junior (A)...2nd 3. Yang's Pingpong(A) Division B: 1. CanadaHakka 1........Champion 2. Xiao Ba Jie Youth Team 3. IVF Financial Team
四. 加拿大高校杯乒乓球友谊赛(总负责:李德华,张金山) 创办及主办:四川大学加拿大校友会 1.2017年第一届加拿大高校杯乒乓球友谊赛 2017年7月15,16日多伦多Markham:1181 Denison Street, Markham On L3R 4B2举行。51所加拿大的中国高校参加,现场人山人海、热闹非凡,有上千人在现场观看,运动员200人,是一次加拿大中国高校的欢乐聚会。比赛顺利、圆满、滴水不漏,极为成功。 比赛在两天完成了132团体比赛、总计528场比赛。规模宏大。其比赛的密度和团体规模,已经超过奥运会和世界杯团体比赛,书写了加拿大最大规模乒乓球团体比赛的的历史。 2017 加拿大高校杯乒乓球友谊赛甲级队成绩 总排名
冠军: 北航广东工业大学联队--------1 亚军: 福州大学 1 队---------- - 2 季军: 华中科技兰州大学联队--------3 第4名:哈尔滨工程大学--------- - 4 第5名:清华大学 1 队---------- - 5 第6名:北京交大西南交大联队 ----- --6 第7名: 沈阳工业大学东北大学联队 -----7 第8名: 四川大学 ------------ -8
2.2018 Wealth One Bank 加拿大高校杯乒乓球友谊赛 比赛地点: 加拿大加华乒乓球俱乐部:多伦多 1181 Denison Street, Markham On L3R 4B2 比赛时间:2018年6月9,10日 2天的赛事,同场竞技的运动员428人,64个队伍,每天前来观看的观众都上千人;第一天小组循环赛224场比赛,第二天淘汰赛160场比赛,总计384场比赛,井然有序、精彩纷呈,取得了圆满的成功!一年一度的高校杯乒乓球友谊赛,已经成为加拿大高校乒乓球爱好者的盛大节日! 2018 Wealth One Bank 加拿大高校杯乒乓球友谊赛成绩
甲级队:------------------------总排名 冠军:武汉大学 1队-----------------1 亚军:西安交大乒乓球呱呱叫网 1队-- 2 季军:福州大学 1队 ----------------3 第4名:清华大学 1队 ---------------4 第5名:四川大学 1 队 ---------------------5 第6 名:东北大学 ------------------6 第7 名:中国科学技术大学 1 队 ------7 第8 名:华中科技大学 --------------8
3.睡熊猫2019 加拿大高校杯乒乓球友谊赛成绩 2019年3月30,31日队比赛在加拿大加华乒乓球俱乐部:多伦多 1181 Denison Street, Markham On L3R 4B2。 2019加拿大中国高校乒坛,比赛现场战旗猎猎,鼓号连天。参赛总计62个大学,81个队伍,参加比赛有610位运动员,其中包括152位女运动员。Division A,B,C总计451场比赛。在大家的共同努力下,按时顺利完成了所有赛程,创造了新的历史篇章。 比赛成绩: Division A (甲级队) 名次..................总排名
1. 武汉大学1队 ....................................1 2. 哈尔滨工程大学 ...............................2 3. 华南理工大学 .............................. ....3 4. 清华大学1队 ....................................4 5. 四川大学 1队 ...................................5 6. 上海大学 ..........................................6 7. 深圳大学1队.................................... 7 8. 上海交通大学 1队 ............................8
4.2020加拿大高校杯乒乓球友谊赛 报名102个团体比赛,报名参赛运动员851人。原定时间:在2020年4月18日,5月2日2天(各大学1队比赛);2020年4月25日(各大学2,3,4队比赛)。总计4天全天比赛。 比赛地点: 加拿大加华乒乓球俱乐部:多伦多 1181 Denison Street, Markham On L3R 4。 由于COVID-19 疫情严重,暂停待2022年缓解后继续. 5.2022恒益高校杯乒乓球友谊赛
比赛克服了疫情所带来的一系列人员,器材,场馆,资金等方面的问题,在大多伦多地区的king square sports centre 成功进行。比赛时间为9月16,17,18三天,参赛队伍涉及59个中国高校校友会,75只团体乒乓球队参加。3天中,赛事密集进行了432场比赛,如果按照平均每场4局比赛,完成了1728局比赛。规模宏大,现场气氛火爆。在各校友会大横幅的映照下,运动员们努力拼搏,团结奋斗。现场各大学校友观众云集,加油助威声此起彼落,最后在高校杯之夜的歌舞颁奖典礼晚宴中成功落幕。
Division A 冠军。。。上海交通大学 亚军。。。武汉大学 季军。。。北京航空航天大学 第4名。。。清华大学 第5名。。。华中科技大学 第6名。。。北京工业大学 第7名。。。上海大学 第8名。。。哈尔滨工程大学 Division B 冠军。。。辽宁大学 亚军。。。东北大学 季军。。。西安建筑科大 Division C 冠军。。。浙江大学2队 亚军。。。西安电子科技大学2队 季军。。。北京航空航天大学2队 五. 加拿大草地乒乓球挑战赛(总负责:李德华) 1.2018首届加拿大草地乒乓球挑战赛 夏日晴空、绿草茵茵,乒乓球爱好者们,让我们欢聚一堂,再战江湖,体验草地乒乓球挑战赛的独特魅力! 共计28位好手参加。 2018年7月7日, 在多伦多Milne Dam Conservation Park举行。 草地乒乓球:冠军:北京交通大学 许红升 亚军:华中科技大学 高林 季军:北航 王志全 2.2020年第二届加拿大草地乒乓球挑战赛 计划64人。由于疫情,推迟
2022年 edited by 红叶 on 11/4/2022
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红叶 Administrator Posts: 3378
没有赛事的日子,德华匆匆忙忙勉强完成了一个大致历年概述,里面有许许多多不太完善的地方,以后会逐渐修改和完善,请海涵。 2016年,我们最早启动了华人社区全方位大型活动的开展。 有点小自豪[Chuckle] 略微回顾一下我们大家多年一起做出的创举,多有遗漏,以后逐渐补充,大家海涵。 在2016华社活动很少的最早期,我们大家面临挑战,成功克服了许多困难,但没有像一些华人团体一点点小事就吹嘘得不得了和成功时就内讧。 edited by 红叶 on 5/24/2021
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红叶 Administrator Posts: 3378
1.加拿大熊猫杯乒乓球国际大赛时间初步确定在2023年10月或11月举行,比较倾向于利用长周末3天集中完成。 2.主比赛场地基本确定在具有40个赛场同时开赛的CCTTA新建国际标准专业乒乓球馆,这是加拿大全国最高档专业球馆。大满贯巡回赛事可以充分利用GTA其它一般档次球馆轮流承办,权衡体育资源和支持度。 3.本赛季活动规划: 1)2023熊猫杯赛季启动联欢:2023年5月28日,地点:不见不散,人员:组委会,各熊猫杯队长及赞助商代表,三级政府代表。 2)熊猫杯大满贯赛场参观及新闻发布会:8月底进行,人员:组委会,赞助商,参赛队员。地点:MTTA,King Sport Center, Yangguang Sport Center 3)熊猫杯大满贯赛事日期:2023年8月15日--2023年8月28日 4)2023熊猫杯国际比赛新闻发布会及抽签仪式:2023年8月26日。地点:CCTTA 国际赛场。新闻发布,赞助商发布,抽签,熊猫杯之夜节目征集。 5)2023加拿大熊猫杯比赛: 成人参赛队伍96,人数700人。 青少年参赛队伍12-24,人数150人。 赛会持续时间,3天连续。 现场观众估计3000人,网络投放观看100000人。 4.2023赛季预算
1)赛季启动发布会:场地,媒体,小吃。1000 2)圣诞及春节期间大满贯赛事及熊猫杯国际赛事2场新闻发布会:场地,媒体。1500x2=3000 3)加拿大熊猫杯大满贯赛事: 比赛场馆15次:400x15=6000 比赛手册:200x10=2000 奖杯奖牌及证书:1600 义工及裁判:2400 横幅及背景墙:1000 其它:1000 小计:15000加币 4)加拿大熊猫杯国际赛事: 场地(大熊猫+小熊猫):6000x3=18000 熊猫国际赛8组奖金:8800 小熊猫前4名奖金:1500 比赛手册:400x10=4000 义工裁判:3500 奖牌,杯,证书:3500 熊猫杯摄影比赛奖金:1000 背景墙及横幅宣传:2000 熊猫杯之夜庆祝活动。 其它:1000 小计:35300
5)2023年8月加拿大熊猫杯草地乒乓球比赛是否举行?取决于经费状况。 草地乒乓球: 器材搬运1200 奖金800+400+100=1300 其它:1000 小记:3500加币
edited by 红叶 on 7/26/2022 edited by 红叶 on 7/26/2022 edited by 红叶 on 7/26/2022 edited by 红叶 on 2/13/2023
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红叶 Administrator Posts: 3378
商务赞助及服务计划书 2022-2023加拿大熊猫杯乒乓球赛季
赛事简介: *全加拿大最大规模的乒乓球赛事,参赛队伍112个队,人数高达800名运动员。 *多家媒体报道,加拿大当地以及国内媒体。 *覆盖GTA多个城市,以及多个族裔。 *加拿大国家乒协以及加拿大三级政府全力支持。
1.全赛季独家冠名赞助(15000加币): 联合冠名赞助(20000加币):
比赛独家冠名或者联合冠名赞助者,将获得以下服务: 本次比赛将命名为:XXXX2022-2023加拿大熊猫杯乒乓球系列邀请赛。在熊猫杯官方网站广告一年,将受邀担任所有比赛冠军颁奖嘉宾,组委会协助组成以冠名商名字组成的专业强队参赛,在新闻发布会及颁奖典礼讲话2-3分钟,以首席赞助商的名义全程参与活动策划、推广宣传,出现在所有宣传报道中――赛会发行精美比赛手册封面冠名,内页2页全页广告,运动员采访区Logo及公司名称,现场商务易拉宝位置,比赛区广告。与嘉宾及著名运动员合影及互动,赛会商务公示区广告使用,赛场开辟产品展示及销售区域,颁发赞助感谢认证书,赠送乒乓球/吉祥物/球服纪念,在“熊猫杯之夜酒会”嘉宾讲话。
在熊猫杯官方网站广告一年,将受邀在所有亚军颁奖,在新闻发布会及颁奖典礼讲话1 分钟。出现在所有宣传报道中――赛会发行精美比赛手册内页一页全页广告,运动员采访区Logo及公司名称,现场商务易拉宝位置,比赛区广告,与嘉宾及著名运动员合影及互动,赛会商务公示区广告使用,颁发赞助感谢认证书,赠送乒乓球/吉祥物/球服纪念 。
4. 黄金赞助(2000元)(名额5个)
加拿大熊猫杯乒乓球邀请赛商务赞助及服务负责小组: 总协调:李德华 主委: 张磊: 1-6472228899 张金山: 1-4164007173 李德华: 1-6474056696 霍文翔:1-4166669969张静: 1-4168585889 徐攀: 1-4168578821 王小燕:6472848160 王青延:6478660717 ;王慧, 张星星 2023年1月25日 edited by 红叶 on 7/26/2022 edited by 红叶 on 2/13/2023
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红叶 Administrator Posts: 3378
Business Sponsorship and Service Plan 2022-2023 Canada Panda Cup Table Tennis Season
Tournament Introduction: *The largest table tennis event in Canada, with 112 teams and 800 athletes. *Multiple media reports, local Canadian as well as domestic media. * Covers multiple cities in the GTA, as well as multiple ethnic groups. *The Canadian National Table Tennis Association and the Canadian three-level government fully support.
1. Exclusive title sponsorship for the whole season (15,000 Canadian dollars): Joint title sponsorship ($20,000):
The exclusive title or joint title sponsor of the competition will receive the following services: This competition will be named: XXXX2022-2023 Canadian Panda Cup Table Tennis Series Invitational Tournament. Advertise on the official website of the Panda Cup for one year, and will be invited to serve as the winners of all competitions. The organizing committee will assist in forming a professional team with the name of the title company to participate in the competition. They will speak for 2-3 minutes at the press conference and award ceremony, The name of the chief sponsor participates in the planning and promotion of the event throughout the whole process, and appears in all publicity reports - the title of the cover of the beautiful competition manual issued by the competition, the two-page full-page advertisement on the inner page, the logo and company name of the athlete interview area, and the on-site business easy-to-pull sign location, competition area advertisement. Take photos and interact with guests and famous athletes, use advertisements in the business publicity area of the competition, open up product display and sales areas in the competition venue, issue sponsorship certificates of appreciation, present table tennis/mascot/ball uniform commemorations, and guests at the "Panda Cup Night Cocktail Party" speech.
2. Diamond sponsorship (5,000 yuan) (2 places)
Advertise on the official website of the Panda Cup for one year, and will be invited to give prizes at all runners-up, and speak for 1 minute at the press conference and award ceremony. Appears in all publicity reports - the competition will issue a full-page advertisement on the inner page of the exquisite competition manual, the logo and company name of the athlete interview area, the location of the on-site commercial roll-up board, advertisements in the competition area, taking photos and interacting with guests and famous athletes, the competition meeting For use in advertisements in the business publicity area, a certificate of appreciation for sponsorship will be issued, and a commemorative table tennis/mascot/ball uniform will be presented.
4. Gold sponsorship (2000 yuan) (5 places)
Advertising on the official website of the Panda Cup for 6 months, awarding guests, half-page advertisements on the inside of the exquisite competition manual, the logo and company name of the athlete interview area, the location of the on-site commercial roll-up board, taking photos and interacting with the guests and famous athletes, and the business of the competition For use in advertisements in the publicity area, a certificate of appreciation for sponsorship will be issued.
Thank you to all sponsors who actively support Chinese community activities and make important contributions to the promotion of table tennis!
The business sponsorship and service team responsible for the Canadian Panda Cup Table Tennis Invitational Tournament: Chief Coordinator: Li Dehua Chairman: Zhang Lei: 1-6472228899 Zhang Jinshan: 1-4164007173 Li Dehua: 1-6474056696 Huo Wenxiang: 1-4166669969 Zhang Jing: 1-4168585889 Xu Pan: 1-4168578821 Wang Xiaoyan: 6472848160 Wang Qingyan: 6478660717 Wang Qingyan: 6478660 1 25, 2023 edited by 红叶 on 7/26/2022 edited by 红叶 on 7/27/2022 edited by 红叶 on 2/13/2023
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红叶 Administrator Posts: 3378
2023 Canada Panda Cup Table Tennis International Competition Series Event Planning
1. The Canadian Panda Cup Table Tennis International Competition is tentatively determined to be held in October or November 2023, and it is more likely to be completed in three days over the long weekend. 2. The main competition venue is basically a new international standard professional table tennis stadium in CCTTA, which has 40 venues to play at the same time, which is the highest-grade professional stadium in Canada. The Grand Slam Tournament can take full advantage of other general-grade arenas in the GTA to take turns to host them, balancing sports resources and support. 3. Event planning for this season: 1) 2023 Panda Cup season kick-off party: May 28, 2023, location: see you or see, personnel: the organizing committee, representatives of the team captains and sponsors of the Panda Cup, and representatives of the three-level government. 2) Panda Cup Grand Slam stadium tour and press conference: at the end of October, personnel: the organizing committee, sponsors, participating team members. Location: MTTA, King Sport Center, Yangguang Sport Center 3) Panda Cup Grand Slam Date: December 15, 2023 - January 28, 2024 4) 2023 Panda Cup International Competition Press Conference and Draw Ceremony: August 26, 2023. Location: CCTTA International Arena. Press Releases, Sponsor Releases, Lottery Draws, Panda Cup Night Program Calls. 5) 2023 Canadian Panda Cup Competition: There are 96 adult teams with 700 people. There are 12-24 youth teams with 150 people. The duration of the competition is 3 consecutive days. The on-site audience is estimated to be 3,000 people, and 100,000 people are watching online. 4. 2023 Season Budget
1) Season launch conference: venue, media, snacks. 1000 2) 2 press conferences for Grand Slam events and Panda Cup international events during Christmas and Spring Festival: venue, media. 1500x2=3000 3) Canada Panda Cup Grand Slam: 15 competition venues: 400x15=6000 Playbook: 200x10=2000 Trophies, medals and certificates: 1600 Volunteers and referees: 2400 Banner and background wall: 1000 Other: 1000 Subtotal: $15,000 4) Canada Panda Cup International Competition: Venue (giant panda + small panda): 6000x3=18000 Panda International Competition Group 8 Prize money: 8800 Small panda top 4 prize: 1500 Playbook: 400x10=4000 Volunteer Judges: 3500 Medals, Cups, Certificates: 3500 Panda Cup Photo Contest Prize: 1000 Background wall and banner promotion: 2000 Panda Cup Night Celebration. Other: 1000 Subtotal: 33300(panda cup only)
Total: 15000+33300=48300 Canadian dollars
5) Will the Canadian Panda Cup Lawn Table Tennis Competition be held in October 2022? It depends on the better funding situation. Lawn table tennis: equipment handling 1200 Bonus 800+400+100=1300 Other: 1000 Subtotal(extra): CAD 3500 edited by 红叶 on 7/27/2022 edited by 红叶 on 7/27/2022 edited by 红叶 on 7/27/2022 edited by 红叶 on 2/13/2023
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红叶 Administrator Posts: 3378
Overview of Table Tennis Events organized by Canadian Chinese Community
one. Canadian Panda Cup International Table Tennis Competition (General Manager: Li Dehua, Zhang Lei) Founder and sponsor: MAPLE PANDA, Sichuan University Alumni Association, Chengdu Association Game results: Detailed scores can be found at: http://www.tournamentsoftware.com/sport/ 1. Canada Shengda Panda Cup Table Tennis International Invitational Tournament Time: June 11-12, 2016 Team competition Venue: Race site: 2436 Haines road, Mississauga, Ontario, L4Y 1Y6, Canada 128 athletes from 32 teams participated, including the Canadian national team, the US team, the Hong Kong team, and the China Sichuan team. Toronto Consul General Xue Bing and Congressman Chen Shengyuan, former world champion Chen Longcan and Li Huifen attended the award ceremony. Competition results: 2016 Canada Shengda "Panda Cup" Table Tennis Invitational Competition Results Group A (Pro): Champion: HongKong. Runner-up: Team Canada. Third runner-up: China Sichuan Gaiwang Team 4th place: Pan Am. Group B (Amateur): Champion: Anhui Hefei Friends, Runner-up: BMO Friends Team 1, 3rd: Shaanxi Northwest Wolf, 4th: Jefferson Star. Group C (Amateur): Champion: Casauls, Runner-up: Zigong Spark, Second runner-up: Chongqing Jiajia, fourth place: Sichuan University. Group D (amateur group): Champion: Chengdu University of Technology. Second runner-up: Gansu. Third runner-up: Chongqing University. Fourth place: Canada Northern Chemical Industry 2. 2017 "NATO-Shengda" 2nd International Panda Cup Table Tennis Tournament Competition time: September 23-24, 2017 Venue: Pan American Games Canada Main venue: Pan am Center, 16 Main Street Unionville, Markham, Ontario, Canada. The opening ceremony was attended by the CEO of the Canadian Table Tennis Association, the President of the ITTF North America Federation Tony kiesenhofor, and the Mayor of Wanjing Frank Scarpitti , Councillors Amada Collucci, Joe Li. 52 participating teams and more than 250 athletes participated. This year's professional team includes Canada's No. 1 Wang Zhen, the Canadian national team, Alex Bu, Jeremy Hazin. Joyce Xu, etc. And there are former Chinese national team sports candidates Premier League, Li Bochao, Sun Jianfei and the Natural Arctic NJCTTC US team. Teams come from different communities, different cities and countries. Natural Arctic NJCTTC American Team, CCTTA, Beiyao-Shengda Team, WE The North, TTCAN, Northpharm etc. and Chinese hometown associations such as Beijing, Sichuan, Chongqing, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Jiangxi, Anhui, Inner Mongolia, Chengdu, Zigong, etc.; from university alumni associations such as McMaster, Tsinghua University, Fudan University, Sichuan University, Harbin Engineering University, Chongqing University, Chengdu University of Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, etc. Canadian local large-scale corporate teams, WM Wealth, Sunlife, EN Saving, 58FD, UESTC, Polar Naturals. Northwest Wolf, Mississauga Grasshopper and CRH Rocket teams, etc. There are 194 games in the two days. The game was crowded with people, and 1,000 to 1,500 cheerleaders and spectators gathered at the Pan'an Center to watch the fierce competition of heroes from all walks of life. Champion team: Canadian Northern Pharmaceutical Professional Team, runner-up: CCTT, the third team "Polar Naturals NJCTTC Team"; Amateur champion Markham TT Team 1, runner-up: Power train CRH Rocket, third runner-up: Northern Pharmaceuticals Team 2, amateur champion The teams include: Chengdu, Yien Lengnuan 2, En Saving Inc Team 2, Fudan Lanxin 1, Anhui Hefei Friends and We The North, etc.
2018 Canada Panda Cup Table Tennis International Invitational Tournament On September 8th and 9th, 2018, the two-day event was successfully concluded at the Canadian Table Tennis Club in Toronto. The number of participating teams has reached an unprecedented 85 strong teams, including a large number of former national players, retired and active players from China, Canada, the United States, Brazil, Vietnam, South Korea, the Middle East and Africa, and a total of 595 athletes from provincial and municipal clubs and community teams. 312 battles in 2 days have come to a successful conclusion. There were about 1,500 live audiences on the first day, and 2,500 live audiences on the second day. The oldest live audience was 98 years old, and the youngest audience was only 3 months old. The competition was splendid and orderly, successfully writing a historical record: the largest table tennis event independently operated for the existing overseas non-commercial Chinese. Tournament results: 1 Lansing Dental-1. . . . Group A champion 2 Captain's Catch. . . . Group A runner-up 3 Top Spins. . . . Group A runner-up Others are BCDEFH champions, runners-up and third place in each group
4.2019 Canada Panda Cup Table Tennis International Invitational Tournament On November 2 and 3, 2019, it was successfully concluded at the Canada Panam Spoert Center. The number of participating teams has reached an unprecedented 88 adult teams, including a large number of former national players, retired and active players from China, Canada, the United States, Brazil, Vietnam, South Korea, the Middle East and Africa, as well as 717 athletes from provincial and municipal clubs and community teams. The improvement of Canada's national football level needs to start from young people. This event also officially launched the first Red Panda Contest. There are 12 teams from various clubs and 104 young players actively participating. After 2 days and 426 battles, it came to a successful conclusion. There were about 2,500 live audiences on the first day, and about 3,000 live audiences on the second day. The oldest live audience was 98 years old, and the youngest audience was only 5 months old. The competition was splendid and orderly, and successfully wrote the Canadian table tennis event record: the largest table tennis event independently operated by the existing overseas non-commercial Chinese. Game results: 1 Benemax. . .. . . . . Group A champion 2 Ace 1. . . . . . . . Group A runner-up 3 Yien Lengnuan A team. . . . . Group A runner-up Others are BCDEFH champions, runners-up and third place in each group
5.2020 Panda Cup Grand Slam Due to the interruption due to the impact of the epidemic, the full competition was completed from August to November 2021.
2. Canada Panda Cup Grand Slam Table Tennis Tournament (General Responsible: Li Dehua) The purpose of the Canadian Table Tennis Year-end Grand Slam is to hold during Christmas, New Year and Spring Festival, Hold table tennis competitions spanning three festivals, thereby enriching the types of holiday activities during the year-end festival. Year-end Grand Slams generally start in November and end during the Spring Festival in February. 1. 2019 Grand Slam In December 2019 at the MTTA club, a total of 16 men's singles arena compete: Fan Xing wins the championship 2. 2020 Fujian-Guangdong Motor Vehicles Tiantianyugang Panda Cup Grand Slam The competition starts on September 1, 2020 and ends on New Year's Day and New Year's Day. The registration period is July 10-August 10, August The 15th is the press conference and the drawing of lots. 144 athletes from all ethnic groups participated in the competition. *YouTube, pandacup.ca, Chinese all over the world live streaming. Halfway through the schedule, due to the severity of the COVID-19 epidemic, the suspension will continue from August-11 after the easing in 2021 until all schedules are completed.
Three Canadian Red Panda Table Tennis Competition (responsible persons: Zhang Lei, Li Dehua) He cultivated top Canadian table tennis players from an early age and popularized table tennis in the Canadian education system. 1. 2019 Canada Red Panda Table Tennis Competition The competition will be held at the Canada Panam Spoert Center on November 2 and 3, 2019. A total of 12 teams and 108 children participated in the competition. The results of the competition are: Division A: 1. Elite TTC Junior (A)...Champion 2. Elite TTC Junior (A)...2nd 3. Yang's Pingpong (A) Division B: 1. Canada Hakka 1........Champion 2. Xiao Ba Jie Youth Team 3. IVF Financial Team
4. Canadian Chinese Universities Cup Table Tennis Friendly Tournament (in charge: Li Dehua, Zhang Jinshan) Founder and sponsor: Sichuan University Canada Alumni Association 1. The 1st Canadian Chinese Universities Cup Table Tennis Friendly Tournament in 2017 July 15, 16, 2017 Markham, Toronto: 1181 Denison Street, Markham On L3R 4B2. 51 Chinese colleges and universities in Canada participated. The scene was very crowded and lively. There were thousands of people watching and 200 athletes. It was a joyous gathering of Chinese colleges and universities in Canada. The game was smooth, consummate, watertight, and extremely successful. The competition completed 132 team matches over two days, totaling 528 matches. On a grand scale. The density and team size of its competitions have surpassed the Olympic and World Cup team competitions, writing the history of the largest table tennis team competition in Canada. 2017 Canadian Chinese Universities Cup Table Tennis Friendly Tournament Grade A Team Results Overall Ranking
Champion: Beihang Guangdong University of Technology United Team-------1 Runner-up: Fuzhou University Team 1----------- - 2 Second runner-up: Huazhong Science and Technology Lanzhou University United Team-------3 4th place: Harbin Engineering University---------- 4 5th place: Tsinghua University 1 team ---------- - 5 6th place: Beijing Jiaotong University Southwest Jiaotong University United Team ----- --6 7th place: Northeastern University United Team of Shenyang University of Technology ----7 8th place: Sichuan University -------------8
2.2018 Wealth One Bank Canada Chinese Universities Cup Table Tennis Friendly Match Venue: Canada Canada Table Tennis Club: 1181 Denison Street, Toronto, Markham On L3R 4B2 Competition time: June 9th and 10th, 2018 In the two-day event, 428 athletes and 64 teams competed on the same field, and thousands of spectators came to watch every day; there were 224 round-robin matches on the first day and 160 matches in the knockout round on the second day, totaling 384 matches. Orderly, colorful, and a complete success! The annual College Cup Table Tennis Friendly Tournament has become a grand festival for Canadian college table tennis lovers! 2018 Wealth One Bank Canada Chinese Universities Cup Table Tennis Friendly Match Results
A-level team: -------------- Overall ranking Champion: Wuhan University 1 team -----------------1 Runner-up: Xi'an Jiaotong University Table Tennis Cuckoo Net Team 1 -- 2 Third runner-up: Fuzhou University 1 team ----------------3 4th place: Tsinghua University 1 team ---------------4 5th place: Sichuan University Team 1 ---------------------5 No. 6: Northeastern University ------------------6 7th place: University of Science and Technology of China Team 1 ------7 No. 8: Huazhong University of Science and Technology --------------8
3. Sleeping Panda 2019 Canadian Chinese Universities Cup Table Tennis Friendly Match Results On March 30th and 31st, 2019, the team played at the Canada Canada Table Tennis Club: 1181 Denison Street, Toronto, Markham On L3R 4B2. In 2019, the table tennis of Chinese colleges and universities in Canada, the battle flags were hunted, and the drum trumpets continued. A total of 62 universities and 81 teams participated in the competition with 610 athletes, including 152 female athletes. Division A, B, C totaled 451 games. With the joint efforts of everyone, all the races were successfully completed on time and a new historical chapter was created. Game results: Division A (Team A) Rankings.................................Overall Rankings
1. Wuhan University Team 1 .................................................1 2. Harbin Engineering University ...............................2 3. South China University of Technology ......................................3 4. Tsinghua University Team 1 .................................4 5. Sichuan University Team 1 .................................5 6. Shanghai University .................................................6 7. Shenzhen University Team 1 ....................... 7 8. Shanghai Jiaotong University Team 1 .................................8
4. 2020 Canadian Chinese Universities Cup Table Tennis Friendly Match 102 team competitions were registered, and 851 athletes were registered. Original time: 2 days on April 18, 2020 and May 2 (the 1 team of each university will compete); April 25, 2020 (the 2, 3 and 4 teams of each university will compete). A total of 4 days of all-day competition. Venue: Canada Canada Table Tennis Club: 1181 Denison Street, Toronto, Markham On L3R 4. Due to the severity of the COVID-19 outbreak, the suspension will continue after easing in 2022.
5. Canadian Lawn Table Tennis Challenge (General Manager: Li Dehua) 1. 2018 First Canadian Lawn Table Tennis Challenge In the summer with clear sky and green grass, table tennis lovers, let us gather together, play around the rivers and lakes again, and experience the unique charm of the grass table tennis challenge。
A total of 28 players participated. On July 7, 2018, at the Milne Dam Conservation Park in Toronto. Lawn table tennis: Champion: Xu Hongsheng, Beijing Jiaotong University Runner-up: Gao Lin, Huazhong University of Science and Technology Second runner-up: Beihang Wang Zhiquan 2. The 2nd Canadian Lawn Table Tennis Challenge in 2020 64 people are planned. Postponed due to the pandemic
2022 edited by 红叶 on 7/27/2022
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红叶 Administrator Posts: 3378
Panda Cup Table Tennis Event Business Sponsorship Effectiveness Data--1 1. WeChat group The members of the Panda Cup Organizing Committee are the group owners, and can cooperate with the Canadian group and the number of people who can promote the Panda Cup series: Panda Cup Base Camp 486 Panda Cup Base Camp +330 Table tennis ITTF190 Panda Cup Captain Group 181 College Cup Captain Group 261 Canadian University Alumni Association President Expanded Group 256 Suanlin Dental Table Tennis 196 Toronto Ping Pong 229 MAPLE PANDA29 Organizing Committee 80 Sunshine Culture and Sports Center 104 ACE Table Tennis 417 Sichuan University Canada Alumni Association 362 Chengdu University of Technology Alumni Association 63 Canada Chengdu Association 500 Canada Chengdu Association +279 Yang Qun Happy Ping Pong 371
A total of 17 groups, 4304 people We generally follow a weekly round of WeChat publicity, and the amount of publicity for half a year: 4304X26=111926 people/time
Posted from IP: edited by 红叶 on 7/26/2022
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红叶 Administrator Posts: 3378
Vaughan Dicathlon Store Annual Calibration (sport- tabletennis public coach lesson and performance ) (All free)
Schedule: 2023, Aug 12, 11am-5pm。 Address: 3300 Rutherford Rd, Vaughan, L4k 5Z2 Decathlon Vaughan
1. 11:00am: panda cup international club and decathlon table tennis team player performance: Male-female : edward & Rita; Male-Male: Derrek & Walker; mixdouble: John Xu /Sara & beijixing/Lingmei Lu; Organizer: Edward 2.12:00: 讲座与教学 Table tennis Speech & teaching lesson: Lei Zhang: former Chinese national team player 3.13:00-14:00: 趣味乒乓球表演 Funny table tennis: 风,袁聪,北极星,王海江,Cathy, Jessie, rita, edward. Organizer : Lei Zhang ,德华 4 .14:00-17:00: 现场教学老师 coach and player, for the customer on site. teachers: lei, john xu, rita, Derrek, Walker, 袁聪, 卢琳梅,黄岚,HongQe, Wayne etc.
equipment need: 4 tables , 4 nets, 4 playground, 20 playground barrier boards
all on-site support players from panda cup international:
Edward ,Rita, Jenny, HongQe, Sarah, David,Alyssa, Jessie, Derek,卢琳梅 , Cici, Gary, 徐路, 北极星,凤, Tony li, john xu,Jamie,Jim Fan, Jane Du, Anna Yin,王海江,Amy,Tim ,谢景杰,Kevin Luo,Walker ,网球罗教练, Richard Lu, Grace Z., Edgar, Cathy ,Yong ,袁聪,黄岚,Wayne
contact person: Edward 6474056696 edward0808@yahoo.com
July 14. 2023 panda cup community
本次熊猫委员会与法国上市公司世界500强迪卡侬体育器材公司的邻里推广乒乓球活动,是第一次这种类型熊猫杯委员会推广国球的尝试,敬请以上报名来现场支持的朋友不要缺席,耐心教各族裔到场顾客。迪卡侬公司也在为各位准备礼品。 活动总负责人: 李德华 edited by 红叶 on 7/14/2023
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红叶 Administrator Posts: 3378
商务赞助及服务计划书 2023-202加拿大熊猫杯乒乓球公开赛
赛事简介: *全加拿大最大规模的乒乓球赛事,参赛队伍约90个队,大约800名运动员,11月18日开赛,经过11月25日,12月2日,2024年1月6日,2014年1月13日总决赛及熊猫杯之夜大联欢,共5天精彩赛事。 *多家媒体报道,加拿大当地以及国内媒体。 *覆盖GTA多个城市,5个比赛场地,以及多个族裔。 *加拿大国家乒协以及加拿大三级政府全力支持。
1.独家冠名赞助(10000加币): 比赛独家冠名或者联合冠名赞助者,将获得以下服务: 本次比赛将命名为:XXXX2023-2024加拿大熊猫杯乒乓球系列邀请赛。在熊猫杯官方网站广告一年,熊猫杯微信群冠名,将受邀担任所有比赛冠军颁奖嘉宾,在新闻发布会及颁奖典礼讲话2-3分钟,以首席赞助商的名义全程参与活动策划、推广宣传,出现在所有宣传报道中――赛会发行精美比赛手册封面冠名,内页2页全页广告,运动员采访区Logo及公司名称,现场商务易拉宝位置,比赛区广告。与嘉宾及著名运动员合影及互动,赛会商务公示区广告使用,赛场开辟产品展示及销售区域,颁发赞助感谢认证书,赠送乒乓球/吉祥物/球服纪念,在“熊猫杯之夜酒会”嘉宾讲话。 2.钻石赞助(2000元)(名额5个) 在熊猫杯官方网站广告一年,将受邀在所有亚军颁奖,在新闻发布会及颁奖典礼讲话1 分钟。出现在所有宣传报道中――赛会发行精美比赛手册内页一页全页广告,运动员采访区Logo及公司名称,现场商务易拉宝位置,比赛区广告,与嘉宾及著名运动员合影及互动,赛会商务公示区广告使用,颁发赞助感谢认证书,赠送乒乓球/吉祥物/球服纪念 。 4. 黄金赞助(800元)(名额10个) 在熊猫杯官方网站广告6个月,颁奖嘉宾,赛会发行精美比赛手册内页半页广告,运动员采访区Logo及公司名称,现场商务易拉宝位置,与嘉宾及著名运动员合影及互动,赛会商务公示区广告使用,颁发赞助感谢认证书。 感谢所有赞助商家积极支持华人社区活动,为推广乒乓球运动而作出的重要贡献! 加拿大熊猫杯乒乓球邀请赛商务赞助及服务负责小组: 张磊: 6472228899, 张金山: 4164007173, 李德华: 6474056696 ,霍文翔:4166669969,杨小文:4168185810, 王青延:6478660717 ,王慧6472842684 加拿大熊猫杯国际乒乓球赛事委员会 2023年8月28日
• 固定链接
红叶 Administrator Posts: 3378
@edward 这个链接注册哈。可以选场地。进去场地,有时间,地址,注册队伍数。 http://www.pandacup.ca/2023registration/
• 固定链接