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2017 女子世界杯华人团队筹备会议纪要 参加人员: 张磊、刘强、崔冰辉、霍文翔、李德华、马海波、梁立军、Tony Gu、江邦固、徐攀、谭新雄、王敏、陈蓉、刘崇威、Anita Chen、刘莹、张鹤腾、何德高、Jaffrey、丁雷、汪洋、杨达、谭晔、Peter Lin 时间: 2017年5月20日 地点:多伦多45A west Wilmot, unit 209. 主题: 本届世界杯组织及赞助有关事宜 1.人员自我介绍 2. 李德华 本届女子世界杯华落加拿大,就在多伦多。大家身边的国际大赛,千载难逢,有幸参加工作,不胜荣幸!但愿各位一道在整个活动期间, enjoy ,我们一起推广国球,共同奋斗。 3. 张磊介绍基本情况 (1) 世界杯作为和奥运会、世锦赛并列的3大赛事之一,也是加拿大历史上的第一次。机会难得。总理参加,省市三级政府都会参加. (2)目前,加拿大政府注资60万, ITTA20万,将在Panam center, 27,28,29 三天比赛。届时世界各地20乒乓球女子高手将同场竞技,精彩纷呈。中国将派出丁宁、刘诗文力争夺冠。 (3)影响力按照国际CSM 2016本赛会数据,共50个国家直播,5亿电视观众。媒体到场将有顶级规格:CCTV, ESPN, CBC, 欧洲主要电视台,国内广东电视台、澳大利亚、非洲、亚洲等国家主要电视台及媒体将集中报道。1.5 百万的网络媒体将关注及转播:新浪、Youtube、微信、Facebook(30 万ITTA粉丝), 2016年是在美国费城举办的, 当时组织宣传都没有很到位。 (4) 这届世界杯冠名宣传费用25万美金 (赛场内视场),第二位赞助10万美金(赛场内次级视场),第三位赞助2.5万美金(场地隔板广告)8个名额,第四名赞助5000 美金(brochure,外围隔板)有20个名额。相比于国内中国乒超600万加币的冠名,这个确实非常有吸引力。 4. 张磊作细节说明: (1)受加拿大乒协Tony K. 的委托,负责赞助Marketing事宜。希望在座各位华人社区精英一起来努力完成这项很有意义的工作。目前,加拿大乒协自己已经搞定15万美金的赞助类别,加拿大乒协希望我们团队着重宣传和开拓华人市场。 (2)我们将成立一个世界杯下属的资金及组织委员会。 (3)按照意向,本团队筹集的赞助将有20%返回。本人愿意全部捐出用于华人社区的活动之用。为鼓励和补偿有关联络人的费用,赞助联系人可以获 10 %总额的回报。 · 目前加拿大乒协宣传工作进展所限, 在各主要网站都没有世界杯相关信息及宣传,比如:加拿大乒协网站,中国有关乒乓球官方网站,加拿大大使馆网站,华人社区媒体及微信,非国语社区媒体等。 · 基本确定: A: 6月中旬多伦多召开一次世界杯公开招商大会,地点建议在Markham 市政厅,日子: 6 20. 规模150人左右, 广泛邀请加拿大主要大型企业,政府,领事馆,媒体,华人大型社团(华联会、大统华)。 B: 9月7号举行全球正式新闻发布会。 5.霍文翔:我们这个团队是否有一个比较正式的名义? 6.张磊:受加拿大乒协委托,属于revenue generation 的一部分。 7.丁雷:目标是多少?有没有考虑招标? 8.张磊:40万美金。 其中10万美金的赞助已经有杨叶粲联系的中国国内企业 米老头基本确定赞助。 准备好资料就进行招标。 9.谭新雄:6月20日的招标宣传新闻发布会,已经给Markham 市政厅联系, 在等待回复。 我们熊猫杯团队和Markham 市政府建立了很好的交流渠道,已经获得政府年5000 基金。我可以在媒体协调反面做些工作,目前好些媒体之间有不同的资源和范围。我们要尽量避免媒体联络的冲突。 10.王敏:新闻报道一般以event 作为焦点。比如,熊猫杯的乒乓球酒吧活动就策划得比较有实效。所以,我们可以通过一些活动推动宣传的进行。比如,活动邀请中领馆文体部参加,就可以通过中领馆新闻发布而引起国内媒体跟进报道。 11.谭新雄:中新社这边的记者我可以联络。 12.霍文翔:我可以联络全球华人媒体协会报道。 Peter Lin: 我可以联系中国日报记者,凤凰网记者报道。 13.王敏:2016年在美国费城举办的女子世界杯,基本上没有商业大牌企业参加,这个与乒乓球运动的特色和大众化水平有关。重点还是华人圈子的力量比较大些。中国乒乓球资金在全球乒乓球类别占到30%份额,可是这届女子世界杯消息在中国都还没有报道和宣传,怎样对接把宣传发送出去?这个很关键。 14.徐攀:宣传以 event 撰稿 审核 发布, 而形成流程化的过程。 15.崔冰辉:介绍了jeffson社区支持世界杯筹备会的情况。分发了详细的全英文版本计划书。将在尽快的时间发送到群里,供各位参考。 16.杨达:鉴于我熟悉的专业范围,负责social media, 自媒体部分。 17.江邦固: (1)这次会议需要确定团队的组织框架。是否需要考虑成立一个2017 women world cup committee,?如果乒协批准,可以名正言顺的开展promotion, sponsor 的工作。 (2)世界杯是加拿大政府的事。不一定非要依托中国使馆。需要分清在哪个level上。 (3)要建立support team, 利于开展social media , classic media 的工作, 也利于有关sponsorship 方面的工作。 18.李德华:鉴于加拿大乒协已经在非华人社区前期成功开展了有关工作,建议深入了解其模式和具体内容,有助于我们较好地推动相关工作的进行。 19.江邦固:世界杯是加拿大国家层面的事,不光是华人社区的事。要注意掌握好各方面的尺度。 20.张磊:本届世界杯目前logo, 吉祥物都没有。大家现在看到的这些漂亮的宣传贴是杨达精心设计印刷出来的宣传样品,可以考虑logo, 吉祥物在华人社区举办有奖征集设计活动。 21.梁立军:多伦多有许多这类活动。比如最近的小朋友Google 设计比赛。冠军1万美金给小孩,1万美金给小孩的学校。这类活动,家长都参与进去了,也是宣传的功效,一举两得。 22 Anita Chen: 可以考虑请专业的marketing 公司做全套工作,比较容易简单掌控。就看是否有这类预算。另外:希望组委会能把Sickkids的品牌带入世界杯。怎么样和他们合作,合作形式需要和Sickkids foundation高层进行洽谈。到后期卖票也是一个很重要的revenue generation, 有他们的品牌进入会打打有助于卖票。卖票的赢利也是运动会的一个主要收入来源。他们花了不少的钱和人力打入华人市场,所以我们可以借东风。 23张磊:目前,最紧迫的是6月20日的招商及新闻发布会。现在需要工作分组进行,利于提高效率,节约时间: 1.媒体组: 撰稿-(中文)陈蓉, 图片、内容(核对、修改)-Monica 2.谈判、外交组:霍文翔、谭新雄、李德华 3. 华人媒体清单――Tony Gu 4. 商务赞助及服务组: 李德华、Tony Gu、徐攀、Monica 5. 大数据组: 徐攀、Monica 6. 策划宣传组:杨达、Tony Gu、crystal、 Anita 7. 顾问组:刘强、Peter Lin 8. 摄影组: 丁雷 记录撰写:李德华 2017年5月21日 2017 Women's World Cup - Chinese Community Preparation meeting minutes Participants: Zhang Lei, Liu Qiang, Cui Binghui, Li Dehua, Ma Haibo, Liang Lijun, Tony Gu, Jiang Banggu, Xu Pan, Tan Xinxiong, Wang Min, Chen Rong, Liu Chongwei Anita Chen, Liu Ying, Zhang He Teng, He Degao, Jaffrey , Ding Lei, Wang Yang, Yang Da, Tan Ye, Peter Lin Date: May 20, 2017 Location: 45A west Wilmot, unit 209, Richmond Hill. On Subject: The World Cup Marketing and Sponsorship related matters 1. Personnel self-introduction 2. Li Dehua Women's World Cup will be hosted in Markham, Canada. We are honored and feel very lucky to have the chance to participate this type of international competition! I hope that we all together, throughout the event, can enjoy and work together to promote the Table Tennis to be a national-wide sport program. 3.Introduction by Zhang Lei (1) World Cup plus Olympic Games and World Championships is one of the three major international sport event. While it is the first time to be hosted in Canada in the history of Canada. It is a very precious opportunity for Canada. The Federal government (including the Prime Minister himself) will join with us; provincial and municipal governments will also participate and support in this event. (2) Up to now, the Canadian government has sponsored $600,000 (CAN) and ITTA sponsored $200,000 (CAN to aid us for hosting this event. It will hosted in the Panam center, Markham, Ontario from October 27th, 28th and 29th 2017 for three days of competition. There will be around 20 table tennis women master world-wide who will be on the same field for this brilliant competition. China will send Ding Ning and Liu Shiwen to fight and win the World Cup Title. (3) In accordance with the international CSM 2016 statistics, there were as a total of 50 countries that broadcasted the event and 500 million TV viewers watched it. For the 2017 event, major world-class medias, including CCTV, ESPN, CBC, the main European television stations, domestic Guangdong TV, Australia, Africa, Asia and other major national television and media, will focus on reports. 1.5 million Online media will focus on the broadcasting including Sina, Youtube ,WeChat, Facebook (300,000 ITTA fans). 2016 event was held in Philadelphia US, while it was not well organized. Propagation, advertisement and preparation were not well executed. (4) The 2017 World Cup title branding fee will be $ 250,000 US (the primary indoor watching area). The second sponsor is $100,000 US (the secondary indoor watching area). The third sponsor (up to 8) is $25,000 US (indoor advertising). The fourth sponsor (up to 20) is $5,000 US (brochure, peripheral partitions). Compared to the domestic Chinese table tennis super League, it was 6 million Canadian dollars of the title branding, 2017 event in Canada is indeed very attractive. 4. Details by Zhang Lei: (1) Zhang Lei has been authorized via Tony K. on behalf of the Canadian Table Tennis Association to be responsible for the Marketing related matters. We hope that the Canadian Chinese Community and its elites would work together and work hard to complete this very meaningful task. At present, the Canadian Table Tennis Association itself has already obtained $150,000 sponsorship. The Canadian Table Tennis Association hope that our team can focus on promoting and developing the Chinese market. (2) We will set up a fund and organization committee under the World Cup. (3) In accordance with the intention, 20% sponsorship will be returned back to Zhang Lei and he will donate all the sponsors back to the Chinese community. To encourage and compensate for the costs of the related key sponsorship coordinators, the sponsorship coordinators may receive a return of 10% of the total amount. · There is no World Cup-related information and advertisement at all major web sites, such as the Canadian Table Tennis Association website, China's official website of the table tennis, the Canadian Embassy website, the Chinese community media including the WeChat, non-Mandarin Community media and so on. · Initial Agenda: 1. In mid-June, World Cup public Investment Attraction Conference will be hosted in Markham City Hall, Ontario. Date: June 20, 2017. Size: · 150 persons; · Major Canadian large enterprises; · Government, consulates, media, Chinese large associations (Hualian , Datonghua). 2. On September 7, 2017, a global official press conference will be launched. 5. Huo Wenxiang Q: Does our team have a more formal name? A: Zhang Lei Authorized by the Canadian Table Tennis Association, our mission is part of revenue generation. 7. Ding Lei Q: What is the goal? Have you considered bidding? A: Zhang Lei The target is $400,000 US dollars. $100,000 US dollars sponsorship has been confirmed by the Chinese domestic enterprises - Yang Ye charm rice old man to be the sponsor. Prepare information on the tender. 9. Tan Xinxiong: We are planning to host public press conference on June 20th m 2017 in Markham City Hall and waiting for a confirmation. Our Panda Cup team and the Markham municipal government have established a very good communication foundation and have received a government $5,000 fund. The media coordination will be conducted. There are different resources and scope among the medias. We should try to avoid the media coordination conflicts. 10. Wang Min News reports generally focus on special events. For example, the Panda Cup table tennis bar activities were very attractive. We can plan the promotion through some activities. For example, Ministry of Culture and Sports Department can be invited to participate the events. Through the Chinese Embassy press release, it can be followed up Chinese domestic media to report. 11. Tan Xinxiong For China news agency, he can contact the reporter. 12. Huo Wenxiang: I can contact the Global Chinese Media association. Peter Lin: I can contact the China Daily News reporter and Phoenix News reporter. 13. Wang Min Regarding to 2016 women's World Cup held in Philadelphia, US, basically there was no big business enterprises to participate. It is caused by table tennis features and the level of popular. Influence of the Chinese community is relatively obvious. Chinese table tennis funds in the global table tennis category is accounted to be 30% of, but this 2017 women's World Cup news in China has not been reported and propagated widely. It will be critical for us for how we will send the message out. 14. Xu Pan A formal process should be created for disseminating the event, drafting the news, reviewing, and releasing management. 15. Cui Binghui: He introduced how Jefferson Chinese Community supports the World Cup preparations. A detailed English version of the plan is distributed which will be sent to the group as soon as possible for reference. 16. Yang Da He is very familiar with the media industrial and will be responsible for social media related tasks. 17. Jiang Banggu (1) A organizational framework of our team should be formed. Also we should consider that if we need to create the 2017 women's world cup committee. With the Table Tennis Association approval, we can legally and officially carry out our promotion and sponsoring works. (2) The World Cup is a matter for the Canadian government. We do not have to rely on the Chinese embassy. We need to distinguish the demarcation. (3) We need to create the support team to benefit not only the works related with social media and classic media work, but also the sponsoring works. 18. Li Dehua: In view of the fact that the Canadian Table Tennis Association has successfully carried out the relevant work in the non-Chinese community, it is recommended that we understand the model and the specific content in depth and help us to carry out the relevant works. 19. Jiang Banggu: World Cup is Canada's national level matter, not just the Chinese community matter. We should pay attention to balance and trade off the various aspects. 20. Zhang Lei There are no 2017 World Cup logo or mascot determined and designed yet. What we now see these beautiful posters are the samples of Yang Da who carefully designed and printed out. We can consider the logos and mascot design with pricing in the Chinese community. 21. Liang Lijun Toronto has many such activities, such as the recent kids Google design competition. We can provide champions for $10,000 dollars for kids and another $10,000 dollars to the children's school. For such activities, parents are eagerly involved in, but also it is very effective and efficient for our event dissemination. 22 Anita Chen A professional marketing company can be considered to do a full set of work with an easier and simple control. It will rely on the budget. In addition, she hope that the organizing committee can brand Sickkids into the World Cup. How to cooperate with Sickkids and what is the form of cooperation should be consider to negotiate with Sickkids foundation high-level management. Ticket sale is also a very important revenue generation method. Having their brand will play an important role to help selling the tickets. The profit of selling tickets is also a major source of income for the Games. They spent a lot of money and manpower to enter the Chinese market, so we can take this existing channel. 23 Zhang Lei At present, the most urgent is the investment and press conference on June 20th 2017. We need to work in groups, which will help to improve efficiency and effectiviness: 1. Media group: · Written - (Chinese) Chen Rong, pictures, content · Check and Modification) -Monica 2. Negotiations & Diplomatic groups: · Huo Wenxiang, Tan Xinxiong, Li Dehua 3. Chinese media list · Tony Gu 4. Business sponsorship and service group: · Li Dehua, Tony Gu, Xu Pan, Monica 5. Big Data group: · Xu Pan, Monica 6. Planning & Dissemination group: · Yang Da, Tony Gu, crystal, Anita 7. Advisory Group: · Liu Qiang, Peter Lin 8. photography group: · Ding Lei Minutes Author: Li Dehua May 21th, 2017 Translator : Cui Binghui May 22rd, 2017