Francis Yin Administrator Posts: 2761
力量—一个培训师的自白 演讲 | Hubert 教练 Every object would always remain at rest,until you apply a force. 所有物体都将永远保持静止, 直到你对它施加一个力量。 Has there ever been any aspect of your life that is stuck in a rut? 你的生活是否也曾“保持静止”过? Maybe it’s your job. Maybe it’s your career. Maybe it’s your relationship. 你的工作,你的事业,你的爱情。 You wish it could be different, but nothing has changed. 你希望它能有所改变,但是一切如旧。 If you want to move it in the direction that you want, you will have to be like the Jedi knight in Star wars, and use the force. 如果你希望它朝着你想要的方向发展,你就需要像《星球大战》里的绝地武士那样,使用你的原力。 6 years ago, my Toastmasters club CHIC, was looking for a new venue. 6年前,我创建的喜客英文演讲俱乐部想寻找一个新的开会场地。 Our budget was tight, but we also needed a place close to the members—somewhere around Tuanjiehu. You see the challenge? 我们的预算非常有限,而我们希望我们的场地离会员都比较近—团结湖附近(租金很贵)。你知道这个挑战有多大了吧? Imagine you’re so excited going to meet friends, do some speaking some leadership, and you walk into this place, you’d say to yourself, “ Am I at a TM meeting, or a horror movie?” 请想象这样一个场景:你激动万分地要去认识一些新朋友,想要一起练习演讲、聊一聊领导力。当你走进你们会面的地方,你一下就懵圈了:我是来参加演讲会议的,还是来拍恐怖电影的? But we searched everywhere! In that location, that was the best we could do. 我们四处搜寻,在那块范围内,我们最多也就只能用那个地方了。 “It is what it is.” “就这样吧” It wouldn’t have been so bad if we hadn’t been exposed to better competition. 如果不跟别人比的话这个地方其实也可以了。 But last year, CHICers visited this place and… 但是去年,喜客的会员们不幸参观了北京向前走演讲俱乐部(BJADV Toastmasters)的场地。 Some members said to me, “Hubie, It’s like I just went to dinner with Lin Qinxia,now I have to go home to Feng Jie。 有的会员对我说:"Hubie, 我感觉好像刚刚跟林青霞吃完晚饭接着我就要回家面对我家的凤姐了。" But there’s nothing we could do. It’s not like we can buy our own place. 但是我们对这一切依然无能为力,我们又不能买一个场地。 It is what it is. We just have to live with it. 就这样吧,我们只要习惯就好。 Then at our officer meeting this January, Lorraine tossed out an idea: 然而在我们今年一月的俱乐部官员会议上,我们的会员Lorraine突然有一个提议: “What if we can add a banner, over the top, during our meeting, and when we take pictures. ” “如果我们在开会和拍照的时候在上面挂上一个横幅会不会好一些?” Once she asked, “what if?”, what do you think started to happen? 当她在说出这个“如果”的时候,神奇的事情发生了。 That was a small force that nudged us a bit. 这就像一个小小的力量推了我们一下 And we started thinking more "what if". 于是我们开始思考更多的“如果”。 What if we can just paint the back wall and make it clean. 如果我们把后墙粉刷干净呢? There’s momentum. 我们有了动力 What if we can change the lightbulbs into a warmer inviting yellow light? 如果我们把现场的灯光换成更温暖的暖黄色呢? We moved some more. 我们又向前移动了一些。 Then we talked to the landlord. 接着我们就跟那个场地的主人说了我们的想法。 Then they agreed that the room needed the South Korea treatment: 他们也觉得这个房间需要整整容。 Then Lorraine made the design, and I formed our CHIC renovation team 接着Lorraine做了场地装修设计,我组织了喜客的“装修队”。 Then Last weekend we ran towards the finish line. In 9 hours, we got dirty, we got busy, we got tired. But we created our own paradise. 上周末我们终于完工了。通过9个小时的装修,我们很脏、很忙、很累。但是我们用双手创造出了自己的天堂。 After 6 years, we finally have can also be "Gao Da Shang" 6年后的今天,我们终于也可以“高大上”一把了。 When you have an area in your life that is stuck, is it also for the same reason, of having a limiting belief。 当你的人生中的某一部分一成不变的时候,也是因为同样的原因—因为你的思维受到了限制。 “it is what it is, that is life.” Get out of it. “就这样吧—这就是人生”,跳出这种限制吧! Nudge yourself to think “what if it’s possible?” and you’ll be moved to action. 给自己一个推力去思考一下:“如果我所希望的事情能实现呢?”,然后你就会在这股力量下采取行动。 5 years ago, I was stuck in a corporate job, and thought, “This is what people do. It is what it is” 5年前,我被限制在了我在公司的工作里。我想:“这就是一个人该做的事啊—就这样吧!” Then I felt the force, “what if I can be a trainer?” I started to take action: I learned, I tried, I jumped into the water and joined a training company. 后来我感觉到了一股力量: “如果我能成为一个培训师呢?”我开始采取行动: 我开始学习、尝试。我纵身跳进了培训业,加入了一家培训公司。 But I still felt that I was ‘stuck’, working for a company. You see, I, and thousands follow these online gurus and experts. 但我还是觉得我为公司工作“被限制住了”。你看,我跟成千上万的粉丝一样关注着网上那些著名的培训师们。 We trust them, we admire them, and and pay for their helpful ideas and advices. 我们信任他们、我们崇拜他们、我们花钱去购买他们那些有帮助的想法和建议。 I wish I could make a living like them. 我希望我可以过他们那样的日子。 But I’m a nobody. Who is going to follow me, and pay for the advice from Hubie? 但是谁知道我是谁啊?谁会关注我呀?谁又会花钱买一个叫Hubert的人的建议? Especially in China, where it seems everyone wants to learn for free not for a fee. 特别是在中国,大家似乎都想学免费的东西,而不是付费的东西。 It is what it is. “就这样吧”。 But Maria, Ramit, Elliot, and all the online gurus I follow, kept reminding me 但是那些著名的培训师们(Maria, Ramit, Elliot)一直在提醒我: “Use the force Hube” “使用你的力量吧!Hubert” “What if it is possible?” “如果你所期待的事情能实现呢?” “What would you do?” “你会怎么做?” Finally, two weekends from now, I will have my very first official workshop. 经过这些年的努力,从今天算起的两周以后,我将会做我第一次针对个人学员(而非企业)的培训了。 Do not limit your life with “There’s nothing I can do” 不要用“我无能为力” 限制你的生活 Do not limit your dreams with “This is life” 不要用“人生就是这样” 限制你的梦想 Do not limit your potential with “It is what it is” 不要用“就这样吧” 限制你的潜力 Use the force 使用你的力量 and start with “What if it is possible.” 开始想“如果我所期待的事情能实现呢?” What if it’s possible you become a great trainer? 如果你能成为一个优秀的培训师呢? That you can run your own business? 如果你能创业成功呢? That you can speak for a living? 如果你能靠演讲为生呢? What if? That vision of what’s possible will move and change your life. 如果.....呢?那些关于“如果”的想象将会成为推动你向前的力量,并且改变你的人生。