白杨 Posts: 4591
据英国《每日邮报》5月9日报道,现居住于洛杉矶的澳大利亚女子汉娜 弗雷瑟从小就怀揣成为美人鱼的梦想,在一组摄影师为汉娜和鲸鱼的拍摄的精美合照中,她化身真人版的“美人鱼”,与鲸鱼一起嬉戏玩闹。 汉娜是一位模特,演员兼表演者。她在水中屏气可达两分钟,可潜到水下45英尺(约13.7米)的地方。她和鲸鱼,海豚甚至鲨鱼一起游泳,是一名动物保护者。而这组图片是为了提倡保护海洋生物、反对捕猎鲸鱼。
Stunning: Photographer Ted Grambeau captured beautiful photographs of 36-year-old Hannah Fraser swimming with whales in the wild to promote their conservation
Inspired: Hannah, an Australian who now lives in LA, made her first mermaid tail at the age of nine, after seeing the film Splash with Daryl Hannah
Fish out of water: Deep sea swimmer Hannah Fraser has been fascinated with mermaids since she was three years old and can swim to great depths using her homemade tail. Now Hannah works as a model, actress and performer, swimming with whales, dolphins, stingrays and sharks
Feisty fish: Hannah has been confronted by sharks while underwater, but says she scared them off with a frightening face
Impressive: Underwater images show Hannah swimming with dolphins and whales, which she says gravitate towards her
Deep blue: Hannah is seen here swimming with humpback whales off Vava'u Island, Tonga, to raise awareness of marine life and oppose whale hunting
Spreading her message: Filmmaker Rob Benavides is currently shooting a documentary about Hannah, which will feature her work as a mermaid and sea-life campaigner
Inspiration: Hannah says she made her first fish tail after seeing Daryl Hannah play a mermaid in the 1984 film Splash
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千里雪 Posts: 91
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千里雪 Posts: 91
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孤舟一叶 Posts: 653
从第一张图片来, 我更喜欢那条鲸,毕竟那“公”二头肌真有点让人受不了!
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