小美女 Posts: 58
女儿的日记 来源: 香草儿 小学的时候,每天课前老师要求孩子们写日记,大约五至十分钟,没有要求写什么,让孩子们随意发挥。通常我们也只有学期末女儿把日记本拿回家时,才能看到这学期她写了些什么。下面这两篇是大女儿三年级写的,当时看了,让我们忍俊不禁,也真佩服她的想象力。
(一) All the money in the world 全世界所有的钱
If I had all the money in the world, I would wonder how I got that much. If I did have all the money in the world, I would share with everybody because I have all the money in the world, but they would not. If I have all the money in the world, I would spend some on a homogeneous house. Then I would invite all of my relatives to come and live there with my family. I would give it to my parents to pay for my sister's college and mine. Also, I do not think I am old enough to get that much money or handle it, because someone would want to steal it and I do not know how to get a bank account. I would NEVER want ALL the money in the world. (Plus, if I got all the money in the world, they would get suspicious).
(二) If I Grew as Tall as a Tree 如果我长到跟树一样高
If I grew as tall as a tree, I would wonder if I was a short tree or a tall one. If I was a short one, I would be very good at hide-and-seek. ( I would rather be a short one.) If I was a tall one, I wouldn't exactly fit in my house and I would be able to see very far depending on where my head would be. edited by francis on 7/15/2014
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